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Acesta sunt eu. Cel mai fericit moment din viata mea.
Fotografia de nunta este o pasiune, dincolo de un “job” caruia ii sunt dedicat, cu experienta de
10 ani si peste 100 de evenimente de nunta fotografiate.
Crezul meu este ca persoanele fotografiate de mine sa simta ceva special si aparte cand se vor bucura
de fotografiile lor. Sunt continuu inspirat de oamenii pe care ii cunosc si de cum ma primesc in viata si
familia lor într-o zi atat de intima si speciala.
Cred in documentarea acelor momente importante precum si a micilor detalii pe care oamenii de
obicei le ignora. Apreciez oamenii, valorile prieteniei si o petrecere buna de dans.
Daca planuiti o nunta sau o sesiune de cuplu, este foarte important pentru mine ca nu numai sa va
apropiati de munca mea, dar si sa avem un “vibe” impreuna.
Totul incepe cu incredere. Nu vreau sa fiu doar un simplu fotograf.
Ne intalnim !?
Sa ne bucuram de cea mai buna experienta de nunta pe care o vom crea impreuna.
This is me. The happiest moment of my life.
Wedding photography is a passion, more than a "job" and which I am dedicated, with 10 years experience and over 100 photographed wedding events.
My belief is that people photographed by me to feel something special when will enjoy their photos. I am continually inspired by the people I know and how they let me in their lives and family on such an intimate and special day.
I believe in documenting those big moments as well as the small details that people usually ignore. I value people, the values of friendship and a good dance party.
If you’re currently planning for a wedding or a couple session, it is super important to me that you not only connect with my work, but we also vibe together.
It all starts with confidence. I don't want to be just a photographer.
We meet ?!
Let’s enjoy the best wedding experience we will create together.
Connect with me:
Follow me on social media to write me anytime