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Investitia in fotografiile de nunta

Sunt disponibil doar pentru 10 evenimente de nunta pe an.

Fotografiez o singura nunta pe weekend, pentru a pastra aceiasi impresie artistica si a nu fi obosit fizic si emotional.

Este vorba despre zambetele calde ale prietenilor care vor fi acolo pentru a te sustine si a se bucura de emotii alaturi de tine, de lacrimile de la ceremonie, de detaliile de pe masa si de a gasi lumina perfecta pentru a va fotografia pentru prima data in acele momente unice, casatoriti si indragostiti.

Cred ca toata viata este plina de momente minunate de perfectiune. Scopul meu este sa surprind bucati din asta si sa va spun povestea.

In final, aceasta este o investitie pe care o veti avea pentru totdeauna. Veti putea privi înapoi aceste fotografii 10, chiar si 50 de ani de acum si veti putea sa le impartasiti si sa le traiti din nou cu cele mai importante persoane pentru voi. Fiecare etapa a vietii trece precum o clipire de ochi. Traim in secolul vitezei si internetului, a telefoanelor mobile puternice cu ecrane extraordinare. Este pacat sa nu te poti bucura de amintirile de nunta pe aceste super dispozitive sau sa ai printuri de slaba calitate. Ca sa nu mai zic sa nu aveti fotografii din unele momente speciale si unice.


Investment in wedding photos

I am only able to photograph 10 exclusive wedding adventures per year.

I capture one single wedding per weekend, so I can truly give you my all and don’t suffer from artistic or physical burnout.

It’s about the warm smiles of the people who will be there to support and enjoy the emotions and feelings with you, the tears at the ceremony, the details on table tops, finding the perfect light to photograph you as couple for the first time in those unique moments, married and in love.

I believe all of life is peppered with tiny moments of perfection. My goal is to capture bits of that and tell your story.

In the end, this is an investment that you will have forever. You'll be able to look back on these pictures 10, even 50 years from now and be able to share and re-live them with the people most important to you. Each stage of life goes by in the blink of an eye. We live in the century of speed and Internet, with powerful smartphones with extraordinary screens. It's a pity you can't enjoy the memories of your wedding on these super devices or to have poor prints. Not to mention not to have pictures from some special and unique wedding moments.

Ce este inclus:

  • colaborarea cu voi pentru a planifica si organiza sesiunea de logodna/nunta

  • fotografie în ziua nuntii, de la pregatirile de dimineata, ceremonia religiosa, fotografii de cuplu si familie, receptia si petrecerea

  • un fotograf de nunta (eu) si un asistent special

  • folosirea de aparate foto dslr si mirrorless si obiective profesionale, cu back-up

  • imaginile dvs. selectate si editate individual pentru consecventa si calitate

  • o selectie de 200 fotografii selectate si editate individual livrate in 24 de ore

  • galerie online protejata prin parola pentru impartasirea fotografiilor cu prietenii si familia

  • o copie de rezerva a arhivei de nunta pentru o perioada de 3 ani, inclusiv fisierele originale raw

  • imagini de inalta rezolutie livrate pe un USB

  • 50 de fotografii printate format 10×15cm

  • album “fine-art”, personalizat, tiparit pe hartie speciala, cu coperti din piele sau textil, aranjat de mine, sub forma de 30 de pagini 25x25cm

  • fara costuri de calatorie in zona Bucuresti

Mentiuni suplimentare:

** costuri suplimentare pentru alte versiuni de albume.

** tarife suplimentare se aplica evenimentelor in afara Bucurestiului, in functie de locatie, calatorie si cazare.

** munca mea nu include un videograf. Contactati un videograf de nunta sprecializat. puteti consulta lista de link-uri utile de mai jos

What’s included:

  • working with you to plan & style your engagement session/wedding, in person

  • photography coverage of wedding day as morning preparations, the ceremony, couple pictures and familly, the reception and party

  • one wedding photographer (me) and assistant to cover your wedding day

  • using only professional dslr and mirrorless cameras & lenses with backups

  • your images individually selected and edited for consistency and quality

  • a selection of 200 selected and individually edited photos delivered in 24 hours

  • online password protected gallery for sharing your photos with friends and family

  • back up the wedding archive for a period of 3 years, including the original raw files

  • high-res images delivered on a USB

  • 50 pictures printed 10x15cm size

  • custom handmade fine-art album printed on special paper with leather or textile covers, designed by me, as 30pages 25x25cm

  • no travel fee in the Bucharest area


** additionally fee, another versions of the custom handmade albums

** special fee apply to weddings outside Bucharest, depending on your wedding location, as an additional travel & accommodation  

** my work goes not include a videographer. Contact a specialist wedding videographer. you can check the list with useful links below.


For more information, please contact me and 


+ al doilea fotograf

Ideal pentru evenimentele cu multe persoane, pentru a acoperi la maxim situatiile diverse care se intampla pe parcursul zilei. Dar si beneficiul de a avea mereu fotografii diferite, din unghiuri diferite. Totodata, ambii miri vor fi insotiti un fotograf pe parcursul zilei. Mai multe informatii la intalnirea de consultanta.

** implica costuri suplimentare


+ second photographer

Ideal for weddings with many people, to maximize the various situations that occur during the day. But also the benefit of always having different pictures, from different angles. At the same time, both bride and groom will be accompanied by a photographer during the day. More information at the consulting meeting.

** involves additional fee


+ sesiune foto de logodna / de cuplu

Fotografia a doi oameni indragostiti. Ne plimbam in aer liber si descoperim impreuna locuri frumoase din oras sau natura. Daca sunteti in cautarea unui fotograf de nunta, poate fi o ocazie foarte buna pentru a relationa cu mine inainte de ziua nuntii, ocazie cu care va puteti obisnui cu stilul, vibe-ul meu si desigur cu ideea de a fi fotografiati. De asemenea, clientii de nunta folosesc des aceste fotografii ca invitatii de nunta, in cartile de semnare a oaspetilor sau chiar tablouri pentru bunici si parinti, persoane foarte dragi si foarte speciale.

Aceste sesiuni de cuplu nu se limiteaza doar la clientii de nunta, pot fi si cadouri aniversare, ocazii speciale, cereri in casatorie sau chiar fara nici un motiv.

** implica costuri suplimentare


+ engagement shoot/couple session

Relaxed photography of two people in love. We walk in the open air and discover together beautiful places in the city or nature. If you are looking for a wedding photographer, it can be a great opportunity to interact with me before the wedding day, an occasion you can get used to with my style, my vibe and of course the idea of being photographed. Also, wedding clients often use these photos as wedding invitations, in guest books or even paintings for grandparents and parents, very dear and very special people.

These couples sessions are not only limited to wedding guests, they can also be anniversary gifts, special occasions, marriage proposal or even for no reason.

** involves additional fee


+ “trash the dress”

Acesta are loc cateva zile dupa nunta. Cuplurile noastre se îmbraca din nou în tinutele lor de nunta dar pot fi alte influente, vom gasi cateva locuri cu adevarat epice precum Muntii Bucegi sau paduri, mare si plaja, Balchik, pentru a face fotografii cu adevarat epice.

** implica costuri suplimentare


+ after wedding “trash the dress”

It takes place a few days after the wedding. Our couples dress up again in their wedding outfits but they can choose other outfits, we will find some really epic places like Bucegi Mountains or forests, sea and beach, Balchik Palace, to make really epic photos.

** involves additional fee

+ albume de nunta

Alte versiuni ale albumului personalizat de nunta printat pot fi realizate, cu mai multe pagini, dimensiuni diferite precum 30x30cm, 20x30cm sau 25x30cm. Ideal albume suplimentare pentru parinti. Mai multe informatii AICI.

** implica costuri suplimentare

+ wedding albums

Other versions of the custom printed wedding album can be made, with more pages, different sizes such as 30x30cm, 20x30cm or 25x30cm. Ideal extra albums for parents. More info HERE.

** involves additional fee


+ album de nunta printat in ziua nuntii

Mai multe informatii pe email

** implica costuri suplimentare


+ same day wedding album 

more info via email

** involves additional fee

Also, same sex/couple session

Sunt disponibil sa fotografiez cupluri de acelasi sex, ca sesiune de cuplu sau chiar nunta.

I am available to photograph same-sex couples, as a couple or wedding session.

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